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Straight Viewing Apochromatic Optics Fluoride Glass Waterproof Requires Eyepiece
Leica APO-Televid
These spotting scopes impress with their robust construction, compact design, maximum contrast and natural images. They offer a very wide field of view at all magnification factors, pin-sharp detail resolution and maximum stray-light suppression. The dual-focus system enables fast and precise focusing in every situation, and lets users experience the world of nature at close range or from a distance.
Leica APO-Televid 82
The Leica APO-Televid 82 offers bright, natural and sharp image rendition across its entire field of view. Thanks to its front lens diameter of 82 mm, this spotting scope impresses with high light-gathering power and compact design. In addition, the excellent contrasts of its system make viewing and discoping a unique experience, even at a magnification factor of 90x and in unfavourable lighting conditions. The short close-focusing limit of 3.8 m allows users an additional, unusual perspective.